Who We Are:

As a proud partner in the American Job Center network, Southern Maryland JobSource links businesses in need of qualified employees with individuals seeking employment opportunities.

What We Do:

For job seekers, we provide comprehensive career management services, including: career assessment and vocational counseling, computer and job search seminars, assistance with resume and interview preparation, career training scholarships, and access to hundreds of current job listings through the Maryland Workforce Exchange.

For businesses, we utilize innovative strategies to help identify and achieve recruitment, retention and training goals. Services for businesses include: placement assistance, job listing opportunities, customized employee training, access to funding for training, outplacement services, use of onsite facilities, and on-the-job training programs for new hires.

Our Mission:

To be the leader in workforce development for Southern Maryland and contribute to the economic prosperity of the community.

Our Vision:

Every employer has the talent they need to grow now and in the future. Current and future members of the workforce have universal access to high quality employment and training programs that support career mobility.

Why It Matters:

Southern Maryland JobSource supports the revenue base by helping unemployed workers to re-enter the local workforce and become contributing tax payers again. We also utilize grant funding to provide occupational training in high-demand industries to help alleviate critical skills shortages in the current and future labor market.

“I thought the program was great! It’s nice to know that there are programs like this one that is both credible and extremely beneficial to young adults. Although I went into the program not expecting too much, I learned quite a few things about soft skills and leadership, and in the end, I received a considerable amount of money that I could use for college. I would recommend this program to anyone.”

Maryam A

“The Tri-County Council for Southern MD has been a tremendous help over the past 6+ years helping us find the candidates we need to hire and setting up the interviews holding recruitments for us. Thank you for all your hard work.”

Mike Latham, Owner of Mike’s Works

“This program has allowed me to not only learn new concepts that will help me when joining the workforce, but has also allowed me to grow as an individual. The various courses taught me valuable lessons and skills that will be useful for my future. The internship courses showed me what it will take to succeed as an intern in the field, then mentorship program taught me how to successfully lead, and the other courses taught me Adobe and Photoshop. With these skills that I have obtained due to this program I have now developed a new expertise that I could bring into interviews, making me a better applicant than my peers that may be applying. I am thankful for this opportunity in participating in this program and am happy that it taught me valued sill that I will hold onto for the rest of my life.”

Aria S.

“Energy Select, LLC is happy to have the partnership with the Tri-County Council. Thank you for your help with our recruitment efforts and funding assistance our employee, Christian Peck, to take the Fundamentals of Electrical Work course which was vital for our business to perform the necessary work needed.”

Victoria Mason, Admin Assistant at Energy Select, LLC

“We have been so blessed and thankful for the support, we as an organization, have received from
Southern Maryland’s Tri-County Council. Thank you so much!”

Jenny Roberson, Executive Director HR of MRW Lawn’s, Inc.