Note: Before registereing for an event, make sure you have an active account in the Maryland Workforce Exchange
One-on-One Resume Review
Now is a good time to update your resume! Sign up for a free 20-minute in-person or virtual resume review appointment with on our Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRW).
WIOA Orientation
Every other Tuesday from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Could you benefit from FREE career training to boost your skills & qualifications? Would you like to have your own experienced coach to guide you along your career path? Join us for an information-packed session to learn how you can access these resources – and more!
Job Club
Every other Wednesday
Looking for new strategies for your job search? Through bi-weekly meetings with an experienced group facilitator, Job Club provides a supportive, confidential environment for job seekers to share challenges and learn from the experience of others. Topics covered range from job hunting strategies and interview techniques to how to develop networking skills and handle difficult emotions.
Motivational Monday
Schedule to be determined
Do you need a pick me up? Join us for a 60-minute session packed with the motivation you need!