Youth and Young Adults

The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland’s Youth & Young Adult Program empowers youth and young adults with high-quality career services, education and training, and supportive services for today’s advancing work place.

The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland/Southern Maryland JobSource Youth and Young Adult Programs serve youth between 16-24 not attending school, classified as low-income, and one or more of the following:

  • Justice-Involved
  • Homeless
  • Pregnant/Parenting
  • Youth with disability
  • Youth who require additional assistance to complete an education/employment program.
  • Compulsory school-aged youth who has not attended school for a least the most recent school year calendar quarter or more
  • Register for Military Selective Service, if applicable (males 18 yrs. and older).

General Eligibility Requirements to receive basic services:

Tri-ME3 Logo: Empowerment, Education, Empolyment

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Job Search Resources

Well, you are connected to the right place! We’ll provide employment resources to participants who are seeking employment opportunities, certified-skills training, and/or needs assistance …
Job Search Resources
Job Training

Job Training Opportunities

Eligible youth between the ages of 18-24 can receive grant-funded, individualized career services at no cost! Services offered include mentoring, career assessments, workplace readiness …

Summer Youth Employment Program

Are you between the ages of 16-24 living in Charles or Calvert County? OR Do you live in St. Mary’s County?(ages 14-24) The Summer …
Summer Jobs
Earn and Learn

Earn and Learn

Work-Based Learning The Work-Based Learning Program is an 11-week planned, structured, learning experience that takes place in the workplace environment. To be eligible, the …

“This program has allowed me to not only learn new concepts that will help me when joining the workforce, but has also allowed me to grow as an individual. The various courses taught me valuable lessons and skills that will be useful for my future. The internship courses showed me what it will take to succeed as an intern in the field, then mentorship program taught me how to successfully lead, and the other courses taught me Adobe and Photoshop. With these skills that I have obtained due to this program I have now developed a new expertise that I could bring into interviews, making me a better applicant than my peers that may be applying. I am thankful for this opportunity in participating in this program and am happy that it taught me valued sill that I will hold onto for the rest of my life.”

Aria S.

“This summer as I desperately searched for a job, I remembered working with JobSource and my great experience there. I remember reaching out and asking for any opportunities available. I was informed and encouraged to apply for this year’s youth summer program. I’m so glad I applied and accepted this opportunity because this has been another amazing experience. This summer working with the company Stella’s Girls, I learned how it was working with a non profit organization. I learned about marketing through social media, time management and task deadlines. This summer program helped introduce me to the basics of work (time sheets, payroll, and communication) and to the Stella’s Girls company. I’m grateful to take some of these values back to school as I complete my senior year”.

Amor F.

“I thought the program was great! It’s nice to know that there are programs like this one that is both credible and extremely beneficial to young adults. Although I went into the program not expecting too much, I learned quite a few things about soft skills and leadership, and in the end, I received a considerable amount of money that I could use for college. I would recommend this program to anyone.”

Maryam A