
The mission of the Workforce Development Board is to guide the Southern Maryland workforce delivery system in developing a skilled workforce that meets the needs of businesses and strengthens the local economy.


The Southern Maryland Workforce Development Board’s strategic vision is to prepare an educated and skilled workforce inclusive of youth and individuals with barriers to employment in order to support the local area economic growth and economic self-sufficiency.

Local Board Responsibilities

The Local Board, in partnership with the Chief Local Elected Official, establishes and oversees the workforce system in the tri-county area (Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s) in accordance with legislative requirements of the Federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board, and the State of Maryland by:

  • Developing and submitting a local integrated plan consistent with the WIOA, Maryland’s Integrated Plan, and State guidance.
  • Selecting the local workforce system operator according to Federal and State policy.
  • Selecting eligible providers of adult and dislocated worker career services and training services.
  • Assisting the State in maintaining a list of eligible training providers including cost and performance data through a local approval process.
  • Conducting oversight of the one-stop delivery system including all WIOA activities.
  • Negotiating local performance measures with the State.
  • Developing a budget for carrying out the duties of the Board.
  • Selecting a private sector business representative as the Board chairperson.
  • Promoting American Job Center programs and activities.
  • Assisting the State of Maryland in developing the statewide employment statistics system under the Wagner Peyser Act.
  • Carrying out regional planning responsibilities as required by the State of Maryland.
  • Coordinating with economic development strategies and establish employer linkages with workforce development activities.
  • Promoting private sector involvement through effective connecting, brokering, and coaching activities through intermediaries.
  • Conducting business in an open manner by making available to the public information about the activities of the Board.
  • Acknowledging that partner staff is governed by their respective personnel laws and collective bargaining agreements.
  • Negotiating with partner agencies for funding of the infrastructure costs of the American Job Centers.
  • In collaboration with education programs, develop and implement career pathways within the local workforce development area.
  • Developing strategies for using technology to maximize the accessibility and effectiveness of the local workforce development.

“After suffering a job loss related to the Pandemic, I was unsure how to navigate my way back to meaningful full-time employment. My Career Counselors always provided me with a wealth of information. They steered me to training classes I needed to upgrade my skills to return to an office environment after a 20-year absence. I am truly thankful for the resume skills workshop, the interview workshop, and the regular meetings to help me move forward to find the right job for me. I was able to land the perfect job for me in the commercial insurance industry!”

Regina C.

“I thought the program was great! It’s nice to know that there are programs like this one that is both credible and extremely beneficial to young adults. Although I went into the program not expecting too much, I learned quite a few things about soft skills and leadership, and in the end, I received a considerable amount of money that I could use for college. I would recommend this program to anyone.”

Maryam A

“We have been so blessed and thankful for the support, we as an organization, have received from
Southern Maryland’s Tri-County Council. Thank you so much!”

Jenny Roberson, Executive Director HR of MRW Lawn’s, Inc.

“Energy Select, LLC is happy to have the partnership with the Tri-County Council. Thank you for your help with our recruitment efforts and funding assistance our employee, Christian Peck, to take the Fundamentals of Electrical Work course which was vital for our business to perform the necessary work needed.”

Victoria Mason, Admin Assistant at Energy Select, LLC

“I cannot thank the Tri-County Council for Southern MD enough for providing funding for 40 regional members of the MVF to take an advanced vehicle rescue class that was in dire need. The process was seamless, and we now have a highly skilled Rescue team in SOMD.”

Tyler Burroughs, Training Captain at MVF