Business Engagement

The Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland’s Business Engagement team leads the region in workforce development by building skilled local talent, providing training solutions and recruitment support so that businesses can focus on growth and continue to thrive within Southern Maryland. The Business Engagement team provides a no-cost, consultative approach to help individual businesses get the results they want.

Access To Talent

Customized Recruitments No-cost, virtual mini-job fair customized for your business. Alternative Candidates Get connections to candidates with hiring incentives. – Veterans / Justice Involved …

Employee Retention

New Hire Training Wage Reimbursement Training for new employees with a small skills gap. Employee Training Grant Upskill current staff and make your business …

Business Resources

Industry Sector Partnerships & Alliances Meet with other company owners and community partners to resolve challenges in your industry. Business Resource Map Connect with …

If you are a business who would like to connect with our team about some of the workforce strategies mentioned here, please contact us via email at:

“We have been so blessed and thankful for the support, we as an organization, have received from
Southern Maryland’s Tri-County Council. Thank you so much!”

Jenny Roberson, Executive Director HR of MRW Lawn’s, Inc.

“I cannot thank the Tri-County Council for Southern MD enough for providing funding for 40 regional members of the MVF to take an advanced vehicle rescue class that was in dire need. The process was seamless, and we now have a highly skilled Rescue team in SOMD.”

Tyler Burroughs, Training Captain at MVF

“Energy Select, LLC is happy to have the partnership with the Tri-County Council. Thank you for your help with our recruitment efforts and funding assistance our employee, Christian Peck, to take the Fundamentals of Electrical Work course which was vital for our business to perform the necessary work needed.”

Victoria Mason, Admin Assistant at Energy Select, LLC

“The Tri-County Council for Southern MD has been a tremendous help over the past 6+ years helping us find the candidates we need to hire and setting up the interviews holding recruitments for us. Thank you for all your hard work.”

Mike Latham, Owner of Mike’s Works